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Limited Edition Apollo 11 - 50th Anniversary Stein

Limited Edition Apollo 11 -  50th Anniversary Stein
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50 years ago, the world watched as the heroic crew of Apollo 11 reached the surface of the moon and stepped into history. Now you can celebrate this historic feat with the Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Stein. This commemorative Stein stands at 10”h and is the perfect tribute to such a momentous achievement in humankind. Crafted of richly colored heirloom porcelain, it's filled with special elements that commemorate the mission and the mighty space vessel that took them there and back again. The centerpiece is the sculpted medallion celebrating the craft in all its stages that are embellished with 22K gold and handset on the front. A remarkably detailed zinc alloy lid shaped like the lunar command module gleams from the top. The thumb rest is shaped like the command/service module in flight. The famous “One Small Step for Man” quote is featured on the neck, while the mission date and logo grace the base. The reverse features information about the mission, an image of earth from the moon and the NASA logo. Stein holds 32 oz. of liquid.
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Limited Edition Apollo 11 - 50th Anniversary Stein
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