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Flying the Beech Baron: The BPPP Experience

Flying the Beech Baron: The BPPP Experience
Описание товара
Be a better Baron pilot, or begin your Beechcraft Baron transition training, with FLYING THE BEECH BARON: THE BPPP EXPERIENCE.
For over 30 years the American Bonanza Society’s Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Program (BPPP) has taught pilots to fly their Beechcraft Barons. Ride along on a BPPP training flight with one of ABS’ expert Baron instructors, and learn ABS’ tips and trick for maximizing performance and reducing pilot workload in normal and single-engine operations.
FLYING THE BEECH BARON: THE BPPP EXPERIENCE shows you what you’ll learn when you fly with the American Bonanza Society. It contains ABS’ complete, detailed lessons on “by the numbers” flying, takeoff planning and decision-making, engine failures on takeoff and in cruise flight, and considerations for single-engine landings and go-arounds. Using in-flight video, informative graphics and narration by veteran Baron instructor Thomas P. Turner, Executive Director of the ABS Air Safety Foundation, this program is a great introduction to the unique operation and characteristics of the Beechcraft Baron.
Over 30 minutes of video includes:
• Introduction: The BPPP Experience
• Baron-Specific Preflight Inspection Items
• Engine Start and Ground Operations
• Takeoff Planning and Considerations
• Flight Maneuvers and Procedures
• “By the Numbers” Flying
• Single-Engine Maneuvering, Approach and Landing
Also included:
• The complete ABS/BPPP Guide to Initial Pilot Checkout for the Baron 55 and 58 series
• The companion volume ABS/BPPP Guide to Initial Pilot Checkout for the turbocharged 58TC and pressurized 58P.
• Information about becoming a member of the American Bonanza Society (www.bonanza.org). ABS membership includes free access to the full BPPP Baron and Bonanza online ground schools, the ABS Flight Instructor Academy program that gives flight instructors how to provide informed type-specific instruction in Beech airplanes, and the ABS Maintenance Academy for certificated mechanics who inspect and maintain Beechcraft Bonanzas, Debonairs, Barons and Travel Airs.
Online Course Features:
• All-new design uses the latest HTML5 technology
• Works anywhere you have a web browser and internet connection
• Compatible with Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad & Android
• No Software to install – just sign in
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Flying the Beech Baron: The BPPP Experience
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